I received a gift mail last week from my Grandpa Don and have to share it with the world. My Grandpa is the most innovative and resourceful person I know. He can build anything. And if he doesn’t have the tools to build it, he’ll make them. His friends and family will tell you that he is….
truly one of a kind, no one in the world compares. The world is a better place because of him.
A few weeks ago I mentioned to him that I was looking to buy a box to keep some little bottles in. I didn’t want to purchase one because it looked simple enough to build. Unfortunately, I don’t have the tools or the smarts but because I’d be visiting in a few months, I thought maybe he could show me how to make it while I was there so I sent him a picture. No sooner did he get the picture from me did I receive a text back asking for a plan, dimensions—size of box, size of the bottles (diameter and height) and the size of each opening. After sending the requested info, he sent me this picture to let me know he got the parts.
This was more than I expected, I was just hoping for some ideas, maybe something I could glue together but my Grandpa is not one to settle on mediocracy.
Fast forward 3 days and he sent me this picture along with this message: “I will put in mail today. You will see some flaws that don’t show in the picture, but it was made with love and is one of a kind.”
When I asked him how much I owed him for the materials, he replied that it was made with leftovers from his shop. The cost…. nothing.
I was amazed, in just a little over a week, my Grandpa had designed and built me a box. I couldn’t wait to get it in the mail.
Fast forward several MORE days… I come home from work and the much-anticipated delivery is on my porch. I’m in the house, hustling and hurrying to get dinner on the table for the grandkids so I can open the box. I open the package, pull out the box, unwrap the newspaper, open it and find a folded piece of paper inside. I read the first few lines and my eyes fill with tears. I try to look composed as I finish dishing up dinner. I don’t want the girls to see me cry, It’s hard to understand that sometimes tears come from happiness when you’re 3 and 4 years old and I don’t want them to worry. I pour them some milk, throw some napkins on the table and finish the letter. I’m bawling so I have to set it aside, to read again after the girls go to bed.
The box is magnificent but now I understand why my grandpa said it has some flaws. The letter he included explained it all:
This box means more to me than many things I own. It’s a piece of my Grandpa. He is almost 89. He is an inventor, creator, entrepreneur, teacher, builder, artist, learner, and role model. He is amazing. The world needs more people like him. I’m blessed to be his granddaughter.
Thank you Grandpa Don!!!
A huge shout out to family and friends that helped me describe my Grandpa Don. Your replies were spot on. He is an absolutely phenomenal man!

Had me all teary eyed! What a beautiful gift he has given you! He is amazing!
I love this!!!!!!!