I want to be…(dare I say it?)…a WRITER

Did I just say that I wanted to be a writer?

I did

I really did and now it’s out there for the world to see…

I’m really not sure what being a writer means I just know that I plan to write.  Many years ago, during my battle with cancer that I told you about in an earlier post, I remember my Great Aunt Diana telling me I should write a book about my journey. She said it multiple times, in fact, but I never really took her serious…until now.

I recently came across a “gratitude journal” that I started in 1998. I was a faithful Oprah viewer at the time and Oprah was all about writing down things you were thankful for everyday, 5 to be exact, to make you feel great and appreciate life. So, in hopes of feeling as awesome as she did, I got myself a journal and started making lists about what I loved. In addition, I’d occasionally write down some of my biggest dreams, wishes, and goals for the future.

As I read over the journal a few days ago, my attention was drawn to the hopes, dreams and goals I’d listed for my future.  I’ve reached many of my goals but there is one that I never accomplished, or even tried to accomplish…that was to WRITE MY STORY. I wrote it down at least 10 times…”write my story“…it was on all the lists but I never really thought I could so I ignored it. Deep down I knew I needed to but I never really planned on it.

I started this blog with art as my focus, without any intention of becoming a writer.   But, with the encouragement of my closest friend Sarah, I decided to take a leap of faith and put my story out there…in writing, for everyone to read. I don’t know exactly where this journey will take me but I do know that it will be written down…and who knows, I might even put it in a book!

So if you know my Great Aunt Diana and talk to her before I do, tell her it’s coming!!


Posted on 3 Comments

3 thoughts on “I want to be…(dare I say it?)…a WRITER

  1. Can’t wait to read it!!!!!!

    1. It might be awhile :0)

  2. Thank you Sarah for convincing Tawnya. As a family member, I am very excited to read this story. Go Tawnya!!!

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